Doll biographies

                                                            Lanie Holland
Hi, I'm Lanie and to help you learn more about me I decided to do this! Info about me is bellow, enjoy :)

full name: Lanie Erin Holland
date of birth: April 8, 2000
born in: Boston, Massachusetts
adopted on: March 24, 2010
hair: blond
eyes: green
favorite color: LIME GREEN! :-)
favorite animal: fishies and doggies!
favorite sport: swimming and soccer
favorite drink: strawberry lemonade
favorite food: strawberries and blueberries
favorite subject: science
instrument: flute
hobbies: soccer, sewing, gardening, and playing Mario with my sister Mia. (I don't really know if that last one counts or not)
fun fact: I was AZ girl's first doll and I have asthma

                                             Felicity Merriman

Hi, I'm Felicity and please enjoy this piece of info so you can understand me better! :)

full name: Felicity Serena Merriman
date of birth: August 26, 2000
born in: San Diego, California
adopted on: December 25, 2010
hair: chestnut
eyes: green
favorite color: pink and purple
favorite animal: horses
favorite sport: softball!!!
favorite drink: fruit punch
favorite food: cherry poptarts
favorite subject: social studies
instrument: violin
hobbies: gardening, playing violin, making flower hair clips, scrapbooking, crafting, and reading 
fun fact: I was AZ girl's 2nd doll and I LOVE making and buying jewelry!

                               MIA ST.CLAIR


full name: Mia Brooklyn St.Clair
date of birth: June 6, 2000
born in: St. Paul, Minnesota
adopted on: July 4, 2011
hair: light brown
eye: bright blue
favorite color: YELLOW and RED
favorite animal: zebras and kitties
favorite drink: water
favorite food: cookies
favorite subject: math
instrument: trumpet and clarinet
hobbies: gymnastics, swimming, hiking, and reading
fun fact: I was AZ girl's 4th doll and I am allergic to bees! 

Kanani Akina

This is just a little tid bit of info about me, Kanani. Thanks! 

full name: Kanani Akina  
date of birth: May 1st, 2000
born in: Hawaii! :-)
adopted on: March 26, 2011
hair: brown (long :p)
eyes: hazelish
favorite color: hot pink and blue
favorite animal: monk seal :-)
favorite drink: fruit punch
favorite food: poi :P
favorite subject: math
instrument: piano and flute
hobbies: gymnastics, swimming, hula dancing, paddle boarding, selling shave ice!
fun fact: I was AZ girl's 3rd doll,and I have only ever gotten my hair cut once and that was when I was 9! 

Andrea Holtz
Hi, I hope you like this!

full name: Andrea Peyton Holtz
date of birth: February 23, 2000
born in: Denver, Colorado
adopted on: October 5, 2011
hair: brown
eye: brown
favorite color: pink and green
favorite animal: horses and kittens
favorite drink: milk
favorite food: applesauce :-P
favorite subject: writing 
instrument: flute 
hobbies: playing flute, writing stories, building things, making forts, swimming, baking, and singing
fun fact: I was AZ girl's 5th doll and I want to learn to play guitar very badly :)

Amika Kanzin

full name: Amika Jane Kanzin
date of birth: January 3, 2000
born in: Delhi, India
adopted on: December 25, 2011
hair: dark brown
eye: dark brown
favorite color: orange and lime green
favorite animal: giraffe
favorite drink: orange juice
favorite food: anything without meat (vegetarian)
favorite subject: math
instrument: viola, piano
hobbies: DANCE!!!!!, and singing
fun fact: I was brought to the U.S.A. when I was 6 so I could be adopted in the United States, and I LOVE Justin Bieber