Monday, January 23, 2012

11 followers, wow!

Yay! I have 11 followers now! Thank you so much, all of you, for following this blog. I want to make this the best blog it can possibly be, but I  still need to figure out how to do the tabs so I can have different pages. Anyway I just wanted to thank you all so much, I'll probably post a doll DIY tomorrow, bye!

                                                                    AZ girl


  1. coolio!! :) i just thought i would tell you how to do the tab things so here goes:

    1. go to your dashboard thingy
    2. click on Design
    3. click add gadget
    4. scroll down until you find pages
    5. add the pages!!


    go to new post on your blog, look up and you will see something that says: Edit Pages, then click that and click NEW PAGE.

    hopefully this helps! tell me if you have any questions!!
